Platform: HTC Vive with tracker
Project Duration: 2 Weeks
Team: Charles Ramsey (Programmer), Tiantian Han (Programmer), Jingya Chen (Artist), Shana Joseph (Artist), Mollie Braley (Sound Designer & Producer)
Tools: Maya, Unity, Substance Painter, Photoshop
Contribution: 3D Modeling, Layout, Texturing, Lighting, Game Design
As an artist, I worked on creating the layout of the environment --the path and the bedroom, and some of the objects that were in the environment. I worked on placement and composition, texturing the environment and lighting.

worked on texturing of all objects here, placing them in the scene, and lighting.

Modeled and texture the log and mushroooms as well as worked on post processing to give the mushrooms the glow effect

Another shot of the path composed

Textured and arranged all of the models. Modeled the grass and the large tree.

Worked on the layout of the bedroom. Worked on the shadows in the hallway of the parents arguing by using animations made on Mixamo and casting a shadow with a light.

Day time of the environment. Worked on texturing of all the objects. Modeled mushroom, flower, and stone path.
Environment coming to life

Environment in Progress
The first thing I worked on was creating a tiled path surrounded by large grass. I made a couple of variations as the first one was too short for the experience.

Modeled by Jingya - Textured by me using substance painter